The last challenge is starting. After six month the students are about ready to work as service designers. The last step is an immersive workshop in partnership with Capgemini, lead by Roberta Tassi and Isabelle Pleno.
The aim of this workshop is to create more engaging retail experiences by combining digital and physical touchpoints in new interesting ways.
On one side the increased spread and convenience of online shopping is forcing brands and companies to rethink the role of their physical stores – what services and experiences will give customers a good reason to walk in a new store or go back to their favourite ones?
On the other side the availability of emerging technologies such as IoT, Augmented Reality, VR etc. can enable new types of interaction and potentially redefine the relationship between customers and brands, creating more personal and compelling experiences.
In this course, Capgemini asks the Service Design Master students to envision innovative service solutions that could help some of the most famous Italian luxury brands augment their retail experiences.

The program is structured in three main phases: immersion, ideation and concept development and will end with a final presentation of the service concepts and prototypes to Capgemini.