Today a new and energetic challenge is starting. In the next three weeks the students will work on an important topic with one of the most important Italian’s multiutility energy provider.
To lead the students in this journey will be the Alessandro Confalonieri, Chiara Monteleone and Laura Trivilino from DOING.

The course aims to give a thorough and practical overview of a typical Service Design process, guiding students from context analysis to concept generation. The methodology will be applied on a real use case thanks to the partnership with IREN.
IREN is one of the largest and most dynamic multiutility companies on the Italian scene and operates in the sectors of electricity, thermal energy for district heating and gas, and in the management of integrated water services, environmental services and technological services.
The Group serves a multiregional catchment area, has 6,200 employees, a portfolio of around 1.6 million customers in the energy sector and about 2.6 million inhabitants served in the integrated water and 2 million in the waste cycles.

The workshop aims at generating new service ideas on the theme of IREN’s intranet platform, with a focus on extending accessing channels by users, in particular through the smartphones that the company is providing its employees, including the study of the user experience of the applications that are currently installed on the smartphones.
The workshop revolves around three different categories of users: managers, operational (even with more than 50 years) and new employees.