Yesterday the students presented four service design concepts to NovaCoop.
The workshop's aim was about to design neighbourhood services which can enable citizens to act for community change.

We tryed to answer to some key questions such as, how to create the conditions for collaboration and for a community to grow? What is the role of a supermarket in its neighbourhood? How many people become active co-producers? (rather then only users?) What infrastructure? Legislation? Rules? How to test?

The students visited four different supermarkets in four different towns in the Novara's area. From their research and analisys, they came out with four service's concepts. The motivations the students worked on were about the creation of a new generation of Coop's volunteers and the generation of local impact. Some of them were focused on local engagement, while others more distributed on the area.

Thanks to Liat Rogel and Chiara Gambarana which lead the works, the students gives to NovaCoop simple but effective ideas. Most important, the ideas can be implemented quickly and with a small economical effort.

We hope to collaborate soon in the future with NovaCoop, we are proud to have had such a prestigious and collaborative partner.