It’s time to challenge the students on a professional ground with a real task coming from our Partner Eataly Smeraldo.

During the workshop students will be guided by Valentina D’Addato, service and experience designer and Chiara Torti, service designer in the Corporate Business Innovation team of MSC Crociere.
The students will design and conduct a user research aimed at analyzing the user experience of Eataly Smeraldo. The main goal is to identify opportunity areas and critical points in order to develop service scenarios.

During the activity they will have the chance not only to experiment existing research tools, but also to design ad-hoc ones to better meet the design challenge.

Moreover they will develop a research strategy to collect, interpret and visualize data.
The main goals of the workshop are to improve research and critical skills, learning how to transform research insights into design drivers useful for the next phases of the service design process.