How can we promote the premiumness of Barilla products by generating service ideas that offer a new approach in the different moment of the interaction between the users and the products?

The students had done a three-weeks workshop with Barilla, supported by Liat Rogel, Alessandro Contini and Valentina D'Addato.

The students focused their attention and energy on all the design steps and process, from the research to the prototyping phase. The first week was about the research and the students had explored Barilla company and they collected, analyzed and visualized data, in order to present the research to the client. The research was based on field and desk research, with the aim to have a complete overview about the topic. The next phase was dedicated to concept generation, to find interesting design opportunities and innovative ideas. During the last week, the students had the right tools to prototype the concept and to build the final presentation for Barilla.

During the workshop, students learnt how to do research and how to collect data in an efficient way and they were immersed in the concept generation, with a particular attention for the prototyping phase, useful to give a clear idea to the clients. They had the possibility to learn more in deep the design process, from the client's brief to the final outcomes.